Like our ancestors, we have sinned. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea. Even so, he saved them – to defend the honor of his name and to demonstrate his mighty power. – Psalm 106:6-8 NLT
Rebellion. When we think of rebellion we picture riots and people being defiant. But, God defines rebellion as our actions of forgetting Him and His kindness when a crisis comes, and we go instead into panic mode and lack of faith rather than remembering His goodness and choosing to trust Him. God calls this sin. He calls this rebellion. Rebellion isn’t just about the person who shakes his fist at God. Rebellion is also forgetting His past goodness and faithfulness to us when bad things happen, allowing doubt to enter our heart and mind, perhaps even blaming God, and losing faith. Let us choose to remember His love and faithfulness and stand in faith rather than panic and doubt the next time we find ourselves in a crisis.
Father God, You have been so very faithful. We want and choose to trust You in all things and stand in faith rather than rebellion. Please help us by Your Spirit. Amen